What inspired you to join/start your business?
After nearly a decade working in NYC advertising helping big name brands with their marketing strategies, I recognized a shift in the B2B landscape and identified a niche business. Large entities in highly regulated industries needed suppliers with an integrated approach to lower the total cost of ownership, facilitate innovation and increase speed to market. IPAK manufactures, kits and distributes their products with scientific attention to process excellence and agility.
What challenges have you faced as a woman entrepreneur and how did you overcome them?
Being taken seriously and rising above preconceived notions of how women should appear and act. Believing in myself and playing to my strengths helped me overcome them. Persistence beats resistance.
What was your most satisfying moment in your career?
When our Director of Plant Operations, Lori Frost, won the nationally recognized Manufacturing Institute's STEP Ahead Award in 2016 which recognizes women who are making a difference in manufacturing. Lori started as part time employee in 1993, did not graduate high school and is from an underserved community. The American Dream lives at IPAK—hard work and dedication pays off.
How do you define success?
Making a difference in people’s lives.
What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received?
Trust your instincts.
What women inspire you and why?
All women that affect positive change. It takes a village to breakdown societal stereotypes.
What advice would you give to other women entrepreneurs?
Surround yourself with women who support and empower you. Own your success but don’t brag. Admit what you don’t know. Learn from criticism but don’t let it get the best of you. Know your financials.
Describe yourself in three words.
Passionate, Curious, Unrelenting
Fill in the Blank:
- When I face a challenge, I... look into the route cause and then address it head on.
- If I could go back in time, I would tell myself… have more fun.
- The one thing I couldn’t live without is… the IPAK team.
- By this time next year, I will be… traveling.
- The best thing that happened to me last week was… Hearing that my 80-year-old father played golf with my 18-year-old son Dylan in Florida. It was the first time he ventured outside since April 2020.
- To get my creative juices flowing, I… read and research.