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Domonique Revere, Ph.D.

DEIB Consultant

Workplace Harmony

What lessons can we learn from women?

Prioritize your people - when you take care of people, they will take care of your product/service/offering and this will be reflected in your profits.

Who is the most influential woman you know? How does she inspire you?

My mother, Audrey and wife, Beth - not strangers to trailblazing, hard work, both approach life with an abundance of grit, grace, and joy.

If you could meet any successful woman, who would you choose?

The future me - I kid - Tabitha Brown.

What is the best part about being a woman in business?

My network of powerful, persistent, passionate sisters. We span across many industries, specialize in different things, but ALWAYS show up to support, lend a hand, hold accountable, wipe a tear, or whatever the moment calls for.

What barriers have you faced and how did you overcome them?

Race, gender, age, sexual orientation, you name it, I've faced it. I've overcome them by 1. being my authentic self and owning my story and truth; 2. Leading with genuine curiosity; 3. Seeking to find solutions; 4. Leveraging my network.

What advice do you have for young women who want to be in a leadership position?

Find joy in the everyday - leadership is tough, you are not always the "fan favorite", but finding joy in the little things, in your friends and family and remembering why you do what you do, will ALWAYS bring you back center.

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